Saturday, October 10, 2009

Spirit in Matter 2009
A series of public lectures exploring aspects of Anthroposophy, the worldview of Rudolf Steiner

Making the Invisible Visible
Practical techniques in the Art and Architecture of Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner, apart from his work in the realm of spirituality and its practical application in education, medicine etc. is also recognised as a pioneer of the “Organic” Architectural movement. His designs for the Goetheanum as headquarters for the anthroposophical movement in Switzerland are both original and breathtaking. The first building, which tragically burned down in 1922/3 was largely made of solid wood while its successor was possibly the first large scale reinforced concrete building in the world. Not only were these buildings themselves original but Steiner strove for new techniques in many materials to give expression to the aims of the building.

Castalia Hall
Camphill Community Ballytobin
On Friday 16 October 2009 at 8p.m.

All are welcome! - Admission free, contributions welcome!
Enquiries to Martin Henry
At 087 7713224 or mail to

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